Bye Hanover!

After an all-nighter of packing, scrapping together a questionable final film paper about sheep, and a lovely breakfast with some randos who just happened to show up in Collis, I'm successfully at Logan Airport! I've somehow fallen into an involuntary habit of letting parents foist their children into the seat next to me on the Dartmouth Coach, so I bonded (aka tried to avoid slumping onto while I slept) little Morgan today on my way down here. I have no idea how these things happen when there are literally 25 other open seats, but at least I wasn't watching American Psycho on my computer like last time!

Humongous thank you to everyone who came to breakfast and lavished hugs and kind words and coffee and cupcakes and fly swatters on me as I was leaving! This week has been the least sleep I've ever gotten by far, but all of my friends and housemates made it infinitely easier (and thank you for putting up with me when I was monstrously cantankerous).

So here is my itinerary to Delhi: Hanover → Boston → Newark → Delhi. Luckily I have a window seat on the 14-hour flight to Delhi so I plan to sleep aggressively (so clutch, thanks Daddy!).

Apparently I will be mid-flight while apocalyptic Hurricane Irene hits the East Coast tonight/tomorrow/Sunday. CNN is saying that NYC is shutting down its transit system tomorrow — I don't know a whole lot about the city or hurricanes but that sounds like a big deal. The newsrooms of all major news organizations must be so high-energy right now!

That's all for now! I will try to come up with some kind of catchy sign-off. Perhaps.


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