My jelly-in-Delhi costume, however, was even more scrapped together. I planned to pin my and Rachel's dupattas (the scarves we have to wear with all of our Indian clothes) to the edge of the straw hat that I take everywhere with me. Rachael decided to borrow my flannel (I don't want to talk about why I brought a flannel to India, other than to say that one should never ever pull an all-nighter packing and writing a final paper) and straw hat so she could be a cowgirl, so I determined I would use her hat for my costume instead. The next day, though, I forgot it as I walked out the door, and I was forced to improvise even further when it was costume time later.
I ended up using an old shipping box to pin the multi-colored dupattas to, and I had to take it off while I was carving a pumpkin because I couldn't see anything. We thought they would have candy for us at the party because that's a pretty crucial part of American Halloween, but I'm not sure they really understood that so instead we carved pumpkins and ate Chinese food. It was really fun regardless!