My Future

Earlier this semester, we learned that Archna Ji, our beloved Hindi instructor and surrogate mother for the time we're in India and need someone to listen to us whine, can read palms. Apparently it is a family thing that is passed down from person to person. Archna Ji has always been slightly reluctant to actually read our palms, but she agreed on this trip!

She prefaced the palm reading by saying that she generally believes that these future predictions are by no means set in stone, and it is very possible to take them as a challenge to change some aspect of your supposedly predetermined future (and she, in fact, likes to think of them in this way). According to my palm, I:

-Will make and (more importantly) save "so much of money," which she said a lot
-Have strong luck and life lines, meaning I will have a relatively healthy life and good luck
-Am very close to my family and will continue to have a strong family life in the future
-Will be successful in my educational endeavors but will be bad in business (darn, no Wall Street for me!)
-Will get married in my late 20s to an attractive man, and we will have one or two children
-Am fairly flexible but also fairly emotional
-Really need to work on taking initiative
-Have a "strong sun," which represents strength and positive energy
-Have a "stronger Saturn than Jupiter," though I was never 100% sure what that meant
-Will travel a lot

Overall, a pretty happy life outlook I think! I decided that if I want more kids, I will trade some of my money for children with my friends who are apparently going to have a whole gaggle of rugrats running around.


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