Blasting and Quaking

Today there was a bombing in Delhi at the High Court, killing 11 people and wounding 76 others. Luckily we were all at our program center in Hindi class (or perhaps on a chai break) at the time, and we didn't find out until a few hours later when our academic director nonchalantly told us he had been on the phone with SIT Brattleboro (the headquarters for our study abroad organization) because a bomb had gone off near India Gate (where I was a few days ago when I was attacked by the bracelet-making child). I had planned to go to Old Delhi today, but we were told to avoid crowded areas in case of another attack. It was some kind of terrorist attack, though I don't know anything about the group that apparently claimed responsibility.

Just now, about 20 minutes ago, there was also an earthquake! Apparently The Times of India is reporting that it was a 6.6 magnitude earthquake, but I suspect it will be downgraded because it definitely didn't feel that strong at all. Nothing fell off the shelves, and it was not nearly as scary as the Nisqually Earthquake when I was in fourth grade or the first earthquake I can remember when I was about four (our neighbor Ryan was babysitting me that night and we stood in the doorway of my living room and I cried).

It was a rough day for Delhi, but fortunately I am safe at home in bed, snug as a bug in a rug.

Update: Fliers were posted around Delhi today with rough estimates of what the suspects look like, and apparently three or four people have been detained by police.


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